Monday, June 25, 2007

Contradictions of the worst kind!!

I'm not going to lie to you, I'm pretty pissed off at VP Cheney right now. Somehow he finds another loophole that will probably give him another political win in this bureacratic mess of a gov't we have. He says he's not apart of the Exe. branch of gov't, which in a way is techinally correct if you look at our constitution. But, the President gives him so much power which would put him in that relam of the gov't along with his job in the Senate. I think it's funny though he deems himself an employee of the Legislative branch when he hardly EVER shows up for work at the Senate. In the past two years not counting presidents announcements and speeches from the Senate floor, I've probably seen Cheney there three times. That's horrible that wrong and thats plainly not right, I know Al Gore wasn't there everyday, but he surely showed up more often. Even though the President of the senate cannot directly address members.. and only votes if theres a tie, it seems like he's not doing his job there.

I'm starting to question whether he is more powerful then anyone ever gave him credit for, and I'm not the only one questioning this as well. A brave man in Congress from Illnos I believe wishes to defund his exe. branch office and only fund his office in the senate building. I.E. which would down-grade staff and lots of other things that would anger the old bat. ;) I say its a good idea, but somehow the VP will probably find his way out of it like he always does with that little evil scary half-smile that's quite startling to me now more then ever. I sometimes wonder what goes on in his head and the heads of his closest adviors. You know there is no major descion that gets done without him the filling the presidents head with ideas on how will be the greatest the best the liberators.. hmm wonder who gave him those ideas?

Moving on, you know the "Mission Accomplished" speech the president gave near an aircraft carrier and everyone screamed and praised him and all that nonsense? Well, you can still watch it on the whitehouse page, but something tickled me pink when I was looking at it, the big huge mission accomplished sign you know? Well, thats been blocked off with a little creative editing on the video. I don't think that was an accident given Bush's 26% approval rating along with his favorite vampires hoovering around 15%. Something tells me the adminstration hears the people a bit better then most would think ;) Maybe, there not listening to our wishes but trust me there not that misguided. Dubya has a slick group of people around him, and I give him credit for putting very influencing men and a few ladies to surround him and in a sense protect him from the big bad public. ;)

So moving on to the presidents race of 2008, i'm very pleased this will be my first election to vote in and have my vote counted.(Hopefully!) If you haven't already been able to tell, I'm not a huge fan of the GOP. Never have been never will be no matter how conservative my possible future husband might be. Well, on that thought I doubt I who have been dubbed Miss Liberal would have an ubberly conservative husband. So you can forget that GOP you wont take me ALIVE !! HaHa ;) But, I have noticed the Republicans taking a lot of shots at the good ol' majority democracts. Esp. the former mayor of NYC I don't even like to use his name half the time.. well okay 'Rudy' something about him infering in his own fake world of non-reality, that if you vote Democrat you might as well invite the terrorists in!

Apart of me wants to scream at the Democracts for not taking a bite right out of him, well it seems with all of "America's Mayors" recent problems, the democracts will need to stand in line. :) *evil grin* When I look inside my own thoughts I can't help but label this guy with a Big 'L' for well a lot of things... Loser Liar, okay so those are the only two I can think of right now.:) He claims to be this terrorist fighter when he did what an good mayor a good person would do when his city was attacked. He stood tall and talked the talk of a strong man, so I don't understand why everyone needs to flock and love on him like he did something that a decent regular person wouldn't do in that situation. He did what he was suppose to do, keep the city as calm as he could. I'm sorry that doesn't deserve all of this American mayor crap he shouldn't be rewarded for doing what he was suppose to do. Since, when does that make you a hero, that makes you a regular person affected as much as the next NewYorker.

Another thing that drives me crazy is that everyone told him to move the.. oh what do you call it kind of like the NYC control center out of the world trade center area because it's a big terror threat. This was said after the '93 attack on the tower, so what does he do? puts his office on like the 94 floor of one of the towers. So, everyone always wonders why wasn't he in his office trying to figure things out , its because part of his office was taken down to the ground along with to many other things; more then just tangiable things in that city. It drives me crazy that he attacks the democracts and its even funnier that he won't come right out and say it at face value but pokes around at it. It's hilarous because these attacks happened under a Republican mayor with conservatives surrounding him, in a Rep. held congress with a very conservative republican President. So, its the Democrats fault? Everythings always our fault isn't it? Hmm. Funny. I love how one could twist so many things about to deflect blame off of there fellow GOP'ers.

The GOP guys, just make me chuckle none will mention the current president unless the moderator of said function brings him up. But, they'd rather talk about a president (Regan) that most americans have found to be a horrid president who just privatized everything. They think talking about him and trying to bring back the glory days will save their party. Well, they can blame three people for taking down there party(directly).. George Bush, Karl Rove, and of course my favorite (ha) g.o.p. gunslingin' V.P mr. cheney himself. Well, there are others but the prominent ones for obvious reasons are those three. You can argue many more screwed them over in one sense or another ranging from, Condi Rice,Scooter Libby, all of the Rep. senators and reps. that have been brought up on different charges. I suppose, you could add the very scary, very very right wing of the christian circles; those people scare many people off. Did I mention John McCain's immigration bill? Yeah. That to seems to be killing there funderaising at least. :)

I'm not saying that the Democracts have this in the bag but really people, its pretty much go blue or go screw yourself. That seems to be the mantra of many. Lets take a look at some of your so called GOP guys alrighty? Well first we can start with Rudy.. I just want to get him out of the way he makes my left eye twitch.. i'm not kidding. He talks the talk of a conservative guy and his agenda really doesn't show that other then his bad race relations with african americans when he was mayor. He doesn't have a foreign policy, and do I need to bring up the pro-life or prochoice fiasco? Alright moving on, John McCain god bless this man he is a hero but there are some serious flaws in his process againest the mindset of the american people. He supposedly cosponsered the controversial immigration bill.(Enough said..) Well, first of all hes missed way to many senate votes , his fundraising is take a dip, a huge dip. Out of all the GOP guys I feel the worst about the problems John's going thru. As I said he's a hero a good man, but he just needs to end his run for the oval office. He did a pretty good in the senate before all the campaigning. He needs to think about the people of Arizona. He's done a lot of good for the country he's just out of step with what the people want and that saddens me in an oddly compassionate way.

Ah Yes. the smooth talking Mitt Romney, his name just screams privledge to me. The fact that he brags about being gov. of a so called "blue state" and well "taking it over" are nothing short of an eyeroller. He's a flipflopper and way to tan to be from the Northeast REALLY Mitt, people can't even pretend they know its fake. Meh. that was a bit shallow but just something thats been bugging me as well. I feel that the Mormen religion shouldn't be an issue but it will be like when JFK ran for office.

But at the same token I hope Romney isn't as successful as JFK was in that respect. At the same time, I almost find my eye glazing over as he speaks, hes such a charmer much along the same lines of the wide smile of Rudy. I was watching him speak to a group of older women and just the fact that the fawned over him like his was Paul McCartney or something just made me giggle. It was ridculous but I found myself shaking my head and agreeing with them. But I stepped out side of the room and grabbed a glass of water and realize something very important.

Mitt wasn't really answering any questions with a direct answer on how he would do something. He just said that he 'would' do something and smiled and spoke slowly for the dramatic moments and the oooh and awe effect. He's very good, very good indeed he nearly had me convinced heck he even looks presidental, what ever that means.

Meh. normally reds my favorite color but all the red ink is getting to me.

Much better!

Moving on to the Democracts :) Every wondered why the democracts are called the party for the people by the people? Well we are a democracy and well.. they tend to take care of the middle class better.. etc haha you can imagine my mouth babbeling on about that when talking with a fellow civics class mate of mine. Ha. :)

~Lets get this straight off the bat, I wont be old enough to vote in the primary but I will in the general election, so I'm very torn on who I wan't to be on the ticket.. sorta .... ~

I won't type away as much as I did for the above.. just a little overview...

~Mrs.Hillary Clinton~

She's a ballbuster.. I agree with a lot of people she's a tough tough Tough lady. Apart of me will always wonder about her, but the other half the liberal carefree feminist half says screw that maybe its about gosh dang time a lady.. someone like Hillary deals with the issues at the whitehouse. I know she'd be fantastic at it, a lot of Foreign leaders loved her husband and would extend that same warmness to her unless she mucked it up. (one can presume) I dont care for her wishy-washyness one Iraq but for the most part I agree with just about everything she stands for to some degree. I love the fact that shes tough and she won't cower to the men who literally tower over her. :) I mean what is she 5'5? 5'6? I'm pretty sure all the men on both sides are atleast 6'0 or hoovering around that! :)

Mr. John Edwards~

A family man, has limited but important political knowledge. He's done this already and was John Kerry's VP in '04. He knows his way around any crowd. Very smooth very strong and passionate and I fully put my support behind him, in all earnestness. He's very smart a former lawyer who knows how to get things done and get them done in a timely and very well put together fashion. He appeals to more then just your very VERY liberal democracts, he can gather Ind. and some ravaged republican votes. He's very none threatening and a very lovely man. His "taking back" of his vote to authorize the war I believe was very well thought out and geniune why shouldn't we believe the guy who currently isn't in washington? Hmm..

Mr. Barack Obama

Young.. a visionary maybe? hmm its diffcult to say more is none about the other front runners then Obama. But one things for certain his camp certainly has no or limited love for the Fmr. 1st lady clinton.. a few mean jabs have come out of his very young camp. Do I like him? Yes. for the '08 race? No.

Other democracts of interest..

Speaker Nancy Pelosi- Lovely lady I'd like to see her as Sec. Of State. or something of that nature Oh yeah by the way Nanc Pelosi = badas$ :)

Fmr. Pres. Bill Clinton- if hillary wins can she give him a job? hmm I'd like to see him as some sort of an ambassdor.

Fmr. VP Al Gore- ahh for anyone who knows me, understands that I take a great pride in being a Gore fan :) Do I think he should run YES. will he? thats more a less a faint no. Who knows.. I think that would be the shake up in the Dem. party. Thats right I said it.. Lets RE-elect Al :)

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