Saturday, June 23, 2007

Musings of the world.. well screw that musings of my world!

So, it's nearly 12:30 here in midwestern America, and I became all gun-ho about this 'blogging' thing I've been hearing about. In all honestness my friends still use livejournal.. well the ones who still can't drive is a better way of putting that one. ;) (Man im a bit cheeky this morning) Not, that theres anything wrong with good old livejournal, but I mean seriously to me it almost feels like the VCR in comparison to the DVD nowadays don't it? It's something I used to vent my anger on when I had to teach my mom how to master mavis beacon you know? Man oh man. <-- those were the days weren't they?

I feel like I'm almost typing this to an audience but I doubt anyone I know is going to read it. In a way I almost hope that everyone I know and associate with doesn't read this. It's almost like the new diary for the time.. but anyone and everyone can read it if they know your username ;) So, maybe I best not be spilling who I can't stand and who I'd do other things with one here eh? Regardless, if no-one is to read this, I have a feeling I might feel better. It's been many years since I wrote about my day instead of twisting my day into some depressing or completely fake story for the next section of my 'master piece' I've been talking about since I was at least 12. I'm barely 17 and I'm already a starving depressed hack of a writer! Man, kids these days grow up quick don't they?

No, really though sometimes I feel as though I'm a much older person stuck inside what you can by legal defination call a teenager but, I for one beg to differ.<-- you'll notice i'm a glass half empty kind of gal. Oh, don't get me wrong my lovely monkies <--(adaption of my favorite comedian/latenight hosts saying of 'naughty monkies' (craig ferguson)) I'm a fairly optomistic kind of lady even in the world we live in, where Presidents lie and make up words and Vice Presidents try to get there office exempt from being a part of the Exe. branch so they don't have to disclose things to another office that was set up by the main man Dubya. Then they want to close that office of the national archives too, that just cracks me up you KNOW there doing something wrong its Cheney for the god-sakes think about it. There is a terribly crude yet hilarous cartoon completely demoralizing our current president his mother, father, and brother and closest partners in crime, I'm sorry I mean cabinet members.

Thats how distraught people are were resorting to makeing up cartoons, I mean it's one thing to make something up and put it on the internet anyone can do that. But Comedy Central acutally picked this show up. I'm sorry, it is a funny show, and I will never deny that. I tryed not to laugh at first , but I couldn't help myself because there is a sad level of truth to any given sector of Lil' Bush. Whether its 'Haliburton land' or Cheney creeping out little kids theres all a level of truth and selflessness to it. It's terribly sad and tradgic that this is what America has come to, were so down and angry at the man we elected.. we the so called "well-informed citiznery" elected for a second term! Yes! a second term god, I'm sorry i've never been so angry and upset at adults in my life and know one even took away my car keys! What's even sadder is the fact that people honestly believe that the Supreme Court didn't give him his first term, my main man Al had it in the BAG. I know it in my gut, that the Supreme Court gave it to George #2. I was 10-11 years old and I KNEW that Al Gore got cheated.

Seriously though, when it comes down to it don't blame the Midwest; hey we fly bumpersticks that say don't honk at me I voted Gore and Kerry. Granted, I for one cannot say that persay because I was 10 and 14 ish at those two different times, but regardless you see the back of my car you'll have yourself a good little giggle my cheeky monkies. Speaking of my main man Al Gore, who just personifies cool to me. He does whatever the hell he wants, he wins Oscars eats lots of food and cares about our world. Not just the sake of the U.S. but the WORLD. Hmm.. What a concept caring about other people, that aren't American citizens. I know I know, can we take the time out of our busy day either going to starbucks driving our gas guzzling SUV's or sitting on our badonkadonks writing up our about our terrible day in our blogs perhaps? hmm remind you of anyone? ;)

I'm not saying I'm a saint I drive an old car and I like sitting on my butt sometimes, but I along with a lot of other people might stop bitching if people at least made a bit of a better effort to understand were not number 1. Ooh Gasp. Shriek. [insert shocked face here] whatever. Make me the outcast of the blog world like how people roll there eyes and say 'oh that crazy Bill Maher.' Our press isn't as free as we'd like to think, our government keeps more secrects from us then the two timeing 5-times married lady from down the street that your mother won't let you talk to. Meh. back to things that don't make me as upset and crabby. (More of that later I'm sure *wink* ) Moving on, there are so many things we could be doing, like actually becoming that well-informed citizenry we hear so much about. It's something our founders banked on which worked for a while, I suppose. But some could say it never really worked at all we as a nation just got progressivly lazier and busier at the same time. I understand that in today's world and econmy espacially where I live; everyone works twice as many hours to make a wage that barely gets them by.

My momma always said "my pockets were lined a lot deeper when Clinton was around." There are a few things though that I need to get off my chest as I never really get the chance to say a whole lot at my house for fear of being chastised as I always am for not agreeing with my parents. My mother esp. she doesn't get the fact that sometimes I am right and she is wrong. She believes in her heart that just because shes in her 40's and I'm just under the legal adult line that I somehow must automatically know-less about any given subject then her. She'll denie it up and down call me overly dramatic as many mothers do, but that doesn't make it any less true. Well for starters going back to the enviroment for one; I just wish people would stop complaining (big 3 autocompanies) and just but the right people to work to raise the standards of our cars. I mean seriously I come from the automotive capital of the U.S. Our overall econmey's dying and the states falling to its knees because the god dang industry doesn't want to shell out the money it has left to raise up the standards.

Generally speaking in the long haul thats probably going to help all the companies as long as they do it right the first time. Congress passed some new CAFE standards this week.. Yes, I am one of the 15 people who watch not only C-span but C-span 2 <-- the Senate. At first I didn't understand why my senators didn't want the emissions and the fuel mileage raised I was thinking HEY! this'll be cool maybe this will help out us out up here in a few years time; maybe we can get back on our feet. But then, when I sat down and really thought about it I realized that our lovely senators have Automakers lobbists in there back pockets, I'm not saying there overly-corrupt people. They appear to be pretty average as far as Senators go. But, they are getting money and votes and lots of other things if they keep the standards down. Apart of me says shame on you Senators Levin and Stabenow, you should be looking at the bigger picture. But, hey maybe were all-wrong and this'll bring the US auto-industry to its knees. But, I'm pretty sure when it comes down to the long haul pulling up the standards will in a way pick us off that proverbial dead as a fish out of water area we've been treading in since the last US regime change in the Oval Office. But, then the other part of me kind of shrugs and almost wants to say isn't that the American way to want to better yourself, usally at the expense of all others? But, then I get really mad at myself for thinking this because they are suppose to be above this they are elected and highly respected government officials for my state. Our senior senator has been around capital hill for about 30 years. Heck, I haven't even been driving for 30 months let alone years. Hey, I love our other senator Debbie Stabenow she’s a tough lady; I decided to just let it go that she was a Spartan fan. :) But, something about this whole being against the raising of the standards just won't shake off of me, I just can't drop it.

I'll get back to the closer to home stuff later, but to be a bit broader for now; I want to go back to some of the pressing issues of the era. Meaning the Bush and well I suppose Post-Tony I’ll freaking follow you to my political death bed Blair. A lot of people say George Bush is dumb, don't heckle me but he's actually quite bright in a way. I know I know Jon Stewart would be peeing his pants at that but its true. Legacy admissions only due get you so far in life, truly they do. If you notice when things don't go his way he's highly eloquent and very firm when he speaks, as a Commander & Chief should. But, when he's kind of just doing his own thing, everything gets willy-nilly the Texas attitude kind of sneaks in there and you can tell he used to be a drinker. Granted that’s my own personal two sense, but you didn't have to tell me this man was a drinker.

He exudes this look this persona of "whelp my own gov't can get rid of me for all the illegal crap I pull so how’s you goanna do it sunny boy?" He makes everything immoral when sometimes it isn't as simple as calling it immoral or not. Something’s take debating & throwing around ideas and listening to experts. He has a proven track record of not listening to the experts and thinking that what he and his cronies come up with is perfectly correct. Apart of me says ohm Nicole that’s not fair, for a while Karl Rove was a genius I mean look at all the elections he helped them win thru out the years?!?!?

This is true, but the other part of me is going and this sympathy is coming from where? Truly, it's an internal dilemma; apart of me just wants to grill our President completely and just swear his name in vain and call him out for the evil, ugly, lying man he is. But, he isn't the only one trust me, there’s a good chance he didn't do it alone, my naughty lovely little monkies. To a certain extent he may have always been over his head. I mean the man couldn't even win a U.S. house seat (Believe it was a house seat could be wrong.) in the 70's and his dad like owned EVERYTHING down there. He couldn't win a single election before he won his presidency? Oh. Something to me smells VERY fishy there. Scratch what I just said; George has always been in over his head, but it was everyone telling him he was doing a good job and the right thing that made him cocky, along with his overwhelmingly large Republican Congress.

Oh yeah, don’t even try and tell me they had no part in anything, they repealed laws and dished out punches to our greatest legal documents I didn't even know existed. I'm pretty sure they probably made words up and had them mean things that they actually didn't and all these ridiculous things, that’s how screwed up the world is I honestly just about believe that they made up words and filled the Presidents head with ideas after before and during Afghanistan. With that blindingly high praise and many pats on the head, also with a sic kingly high approval rating; and a so-called o.k. From congress (betcha they read all the Intel. reports 1st page to the last footnote now eh?) he sent us off in the abyss of hell that is Iraq.

Sometimes, you just need to say ooh my bad ladies and gents and begin a phrase of bringing our good people home. He's so stubborn and so pig headed that he still believes he’s right. But in a way he has to know, somewhere down in his Christian-Right winged heart he has to know that were screwed. Ultimately it is his fault, the victory and the failure ultimately lay within the office of our President. Doesn't matter what the Sec. of Def. says or what the Sec. Of State recommends or even w hat our generals on the ground say, George is the decider.

He is the ultimate decider. Oh. man that scares me I nearly quoted lil bush. (He always was hell bent on being the ultimate decider. More or less, its his religion that makes him appear ignorant dumb out of touch with everyone he is so blinded by self-rightousness and all things that go along with believing that the government has the rights to regulate everything from a womens body to what you should wear and hell how you should even drive according to your church. It's funny how the lines between church and state have been severally blurred under our current president.

Your suppose to take out your own personal thoughts and try to do what is for the good of the country.. and if the majority of the country is telling you something whelp chances are you should listen to them or expect to be ran out of town. You should listen to them and carry out your duties as president as closely as you can to the will of the people. Sometimes, I know it's diffcult to recall but we put him there in office.. well the second time more people are willing to say that. But we at least put him up high enough to be given them chance to have the presidency given to him by the Supreme Court. If anything though those were Clinton's buddies in the Supreme Court right? Or was this like the FL highest court level they did the recount in? Someone correct me if i'm wrong but I do believe it was the Supreme Court. It always cracked me up that you'd like if there gonna be biased towards anyone it would be AL! ;)He was just the sitting V.P. for 8 years, granted a lot of people thought him mudane and boring but well now look at that! The 'boring and mudane' guy turned out to be the one telling the truth after all about a lot more things then the global warming issues.

My pal Al along with former Pres. candidate Howard Dean have both predicated a lot of the things that have come to fruitation with the war in Iraq. Hmm its funny the man who made the so called "gawfe" the scream the whatever and the man who everyone thought was as boring as hell, were right. Fancy that! Maybe it's time we elect someone who might have tutored us in Calc. not the guy who we blew off the class with us to go and have a beer. Not saying you can't have a little fun if you have the highest and argueably most important job in america.. you just need to have a certain level of well... sense. Sense, enough to realize when enough is enough, I mean even congress's approval ratings are lower then his he doesn't have much more to lose admitting he made some mistakes along the way; and the final blame should lay with the president might help out everyone and make the GOP a litte less nervous. It's now just after 2 a.m. I've typed out about 5 pages or so I do believe.. Doubt this will be all for the night just on this portion of the state of the world today : from the eyes of the young and somewhat sensible <-- kind of catchy haha. Well thats all for now my naughty little monkies I def. need a finger break and a I need to catch up on some quality time with the T.V. :)


~ N

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